Privacy Policy for

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirers some pages to have a Privacy Policy.

About rytmiskuge:

Rytmiskuge is a private page used by the people that comes to the summer camp on "rytmiskuge".

The members uses private facebook-groups, as well as the web page: is run by Alf Nielsen (One of the members). [AlfNieslen(at)]

What data does rytmiskuge store from a user:

Rytmiskuge stores the email+name provided by the user
or the email + user-account-name + facebook-user-id provided from facebook, when the user choose to use facebook for login.
Rytmiskuge also save the users song preferences.

Why does rytmiskuge store the user data:

Rytmiskuge stores the data to enable login and custom song list for the users at

How can I get/or delete my user data from rytmiskuge

If a user want there data (provided in sql extract form), or want to have all there data deleted,
they can write an email to the web administrator at alfnielsen(at) and he will provide/delete the data.